We're sure you have been following the headlines regarding tornado-related losses of life and property most recently in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi and in many parts of the Midwest. The losses have been catastrophic, the worst tornado season in more than 90 years. While it appears that council offices and camps have survived with limited damage - we know that many Girl Scout families are experiencing devastating loss.
Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama had significant damage in 31 of their 37 counties. Their council's CEO, Trish
Coghlan, reports that countless members of the extended Girl Scout family have suffered significant loss. They will not know the full impact until power and communication lines are restored throughout their jurisdiction.
How to Help Those Affected
Many Girl Scouts around the country want to know how they can help. We encourage those who would like to donate money or collect funds to do so with respected national charities that focus on disaster relief including the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. You can also visit the North-Central Alabama Web site at
girlscoutsnca.org for more details.
At times like these, Girl Scouts come together in sisterhood to help those in need. We have seen our Movement rally in support of the victims of Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters over the years, and will continue to do everything we can to help our communities in the weeks and months ahead.
In closing we want to express our gratitude to the staff and volunteers who continue to serve girls in the affected regions. You are truly living the Promise and Law.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army asks those who want to help to visit
www.salvationarmyusa.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY. Donors may text "GIVE" to 80888 to make a $10 donation. Checks may be made out to
The Salvation Army Disaster Relief, P.O. Box 100339, Atlanta , GA 30384-0339.
The Red Cross
The Capital Region Chapter is our local Red Cross and they are located at 1565 Exposition Blvd. in Sacramento, CA 95815. They are taking monetary donations. You can bring the donations into the office, mail donations ATTN Tornado Relief, make a donation online at
www.redcrosscrc.org or text "
REDCROSS" to 90999 to make $10 donation.