It's not what you think it might be...
C.S.I. stands for Cookie Site-sale Investigators.
The C.S.I. crew is made up of Girl Scouts who volunteer to help other or sister Girl Scouts with site sales. They will be looking for site sales throughout the council every weekend until March 20. If your Girl Scout troop has an excellent site sale, the girls will receive C.S.I. t-shirts and stickers.
C.S.I. will also try to help girls learn and practice the five skills:
1. Goal Setting
2. Decision Making
3. Money Management
4. People Skills
5. Business Ethics
One important message we have for parents and troop leaders is that the Girl Scout Cookie program is not only for girls to earn money for their troop but to also build life skills that will help them in the future. Site sales will be marked down if parents are selling cookies, talking to customers or answering questions for their girls. It's OK to help the girls, but it is not OK to do it for them.
If you want to help your girls prepare for site sales and C.S.I., here are some tools: