“Smart Cookies” is a result of a contest organized by What's the Scoop owner Angel Nazir and Girl Scouts Heart of Central California (GSHCC). For the contest, local Girl Scout troops submitted their ideas for a flavor honoring the organization’s centennial in 2012.
The winning flavor, conceived by Girl Scouts and made by Gunther’s, is a creamy lemon chiffon ice cream swirled with pieces of lemon-iced shortbread and a marshmallow ribbon.
Nazir’s idea to add a Girl Scouts-themed flavor to her shop’s menu was inspired by her sixth-grade daughter, Ashley, who was in Girl Scouts last year. “We thought it would be so fun,” Nazir said. “It started with a dream, then a phone call to the Girl Scout council, and now it’s a reality!”
Susie Burns, leader of the winning troop, said that her girls are ecstatic to have their ice cream featured—where else would such a unique opportunity arise but in Girl Scouts? On their choice of a lemon flavor she said that they knew they had to create something that stood out and represented their troop. “The girls are not chocolate and vanilla girls,” she said. “They love Lemonades, and our troop nickname is ‘Smart Cookies.’”
According to Burns, the flavor also represents this year's cookie season motto, ‘What can a cookie do?’” Burns’ troop—nine girls in kindergarten through third grade—have used the Girl Scout Cookie Program to tackle goal-setting, aiming to sell 1,200 packages and passing that goal by selling 1,902. The troop uses its funds to make the world a better place. This year, they sent a letter to their school requesting repairs on a playground, purchased toys for less fortunate children and they recycle cans to create a troop fund.
“They are constantly giving and learning about the world around them,” Burns said. “This is what Girl Scouts is all about: helping our girls to overcome obstacles life throws at them and to become the best people they can be. Our little joke has been, ‘When life hands you lemons, make ice cream!’"
Smart Cookies Ice Cream will be featured for a limited time only at What’s the Scoop Ice Cream & More (6350 Folsom Blvd., Ste. 400) and Gunther’s Ice Cream (2801 Franklin Blvd.) in Sacramento. At What’s the Scoop (not Gunther’s), girls dressed in Girl Scout attire can receive 10% off their purchase, March 30-April 30.
Good news for Girl Scout out-of-towners and their families: Smart Cookies will also be featured at GSHCC’s 100th anniversary event April 28 at Cal Expo!