Whether they’re discovering where bugs make their home or becoming naturalists in their neigh-borhoods, girls are moving forward into the future. They can discover how medicinal flowers and herbs can help others, recommend ways to reduce light pollution, engineer improvements to a dam, and more.
Girl Scouts’ approach to STEM is unique because it’s framed in leadership. Girls use their leader¬ship skills to make the world a better place. Research shows that girls need to be hands-on, active learners and are more interested in STEM careers when they know how their work can help others.
Our program intentionally engages girls using three unique processes:
• Learning by Doing: This process involves a reflection step that engages girls in thinking about how an activity worked and what they would do differently in the future—a key skill set when conducting experiments or scientific testing.
• Girl Led: This process encourages girls to decide which topics they want to explore and how they want to go about it.
• Cooperative Learning: This process gives girls the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in the way they feel most comfortable.

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