Friday, February 21, 2014

Anna Maria Chávez sets the Record Straight

"At Girl Scouts, we stand for girls. Our mission is to help today's girls develop the skills they need to become tomorrow's leaders." Girl Scouts of the USA CEO Anna Maria Chávez sets the record straight on recent misconceptions. Please watch this video...

For more information, visit the "For the Record" section on our website.  

Two New Cookie Incentives!

GSHCC's 2014 Girl Scout Cookie Program is off to a great start... and it just got sweeter. We're excited to announce two new incentives are being offered: one for #cookiebosses and the other for service units.

Exclusive incentive for cookie bosses: Girl Scouts who sell 1200+ packages of cookies will now receive a V.I.P. Cookie Boss Overnight!

Sweet incentive for service units: The top five service units that boost cookie sales over their 5% goal will be awarded a custom patch made especially for them.

Here's to a great cookie season!

What's your cookie goal this year? Which recognitions are you most excited about?